I'm Linsey Lisowyj (lee-so-vay) and I'm an interior designer
/professional member ASID
/yoga instructor RYT200
/confidence coach to teen girls
/amateur gardener
/dashboard singer
/homebrew taste-tester
/dancer in my kitchen
/seeker of knowledge + adventure
I'm a creative and I embrace the / life.
creative / vibrant / grateful
LINSEY, a brief history:
I knew in high school that Interior Design was the career for me, though my knowledge then was limited to an intro level home ec. class, *NSYNC and Blink182 posters covering my bedroom walls, and endless hours playing The SIMS.
After four years at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the College of Architecture, I received my Bachelor of Science in Design. In 2011, I passed the stringent NCIDQ exam, entering the ranks of the highest qualified interior designers in the world. Having served as the president of the NE/IA Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and in various other board positions and roles, I am committed to being a leader in Omaha's design community. In early 2020, I founded www.girlcentered.com, a virtual confidence coaching service to empower teen girls.
At LL Creative, I strive to conduct business on three important pillars: integrity, transparency, and superior service. My design philosophy is to create an interior that makes you feel good... By listening to your unique wishes and needs, my designs are authentic interpretations and informed solutions - something you can be proud of.
I'm a joy-filled human with a passion for problem-solving when it comes to interior design. I thrive when making meaningful connections with others. Enough about me! What can I design for you today?